Monday, October 20, 2008

Why would Suzy not be invited?

(She's the life of the party.)

I have several problems with this library.
1. It needs those magical light-bulbs that don't produce heat.
2. Its interior is being painted at 2pm on a Monday afternoon, with students studying everywhere. (Distracting, I think so.)
3. The 2nd floor bathroom is the scariest place I have ever been. (There are handprints on the ceiling as if there are people up there trying to get out)

In other news,
My mother can't get my texts
I need new black heels
Liz's blog is under review (which is probably the funniest thing I have heard in 3 weeks)

Since when do people read TAC online? Any votes for going back to paper?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tom Cruise Dies in New Zealand?

You'd think he could do better than that.

I'm kind of over Hamlet. I don't think I was ever really extremely into the play, but honestly, this is a little much.

The ingredients to my new coffee include "rocket fuel."

Tomorrow night I will sleep and sleep and sleep.

If anyone can help with my paper, that would be lovely.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Your Facebook Has Been Missing You

(I couldn't bring myself to actually do it, but that seems to be a recurring trend in my life.)
Maybe next week...

Romanian/Russian: Will we ever really know?
It's kind of like being from Indiana/Ohio, I think.

I voted today!!!
And I have officially declared a dinner party for the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving. Mark your calendars, and clean your suits.

Signe went to homecoming with someone named "Mildew."
And Martha's coming to UVM!

[sorry for the disconnected thoughts, that's what happens after too much lasagna]

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Yo, Alex, Let's Go Pee off the Porch

Caitlin's the whole dish.

Emma and I made it into the bank after close! Victory!
I mocked the Chinese-Game-Girl to another Chinese-Game-Girl. [accident]
I'm worried about my impending karma.
Then Jo and I figured out how 9-minutes could go [un]wasted. 
And I think I need to get a restraining order against anyone in the Russian house, just in case.

a. "I need a hug."
b. "You can't always get what you want."

Midterms begin tomorrow, welcome to my life.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Under My Umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh)

We may never be sure what actually happened last night. I just walked into Mark's room, he's crouched on the floor next to a pile of rubber gloves, trash bags, and books. He looks up at me, and says verbatim, "Who's French book is this?"

We should probably return those.

It's raining... ooh baby it's raining raining

And Jo fell on our quest to, from, back-to, and back-from Redstone. Not to worry, I bandaged her up and she's good as new.

On my way home I'm going to reflect on my liquid-hot-magma-filled-volcano of ideas.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Think Chihuahuas are an Embarrassment to the Canine Species

Yesterday I was in Brennan's waiting for my tomato/basil/mozarella panini and someone was trying to squeeze in front of me. Naturally, aiming to move out of their way, I back a small child into a wall. THEN, wondering what kind of squishy obstruction could have interfered with my effort, I turn 180 degrees and "accidentally" sideswipe the kid with my leg. His father quickly picked him up, glared at me, and walked out without his food. 

I ended up giving the panini to Nick anyway.
See you in Hell. 

Meanwhile, it's Class Council Craft Day (at least that's what I'm calling it) and I better see some attendance or it's going down. This float better be pimping.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to go home :-) But I can't decide whether to leave at noon or at 2.30. To skip Shakespeare or not to skip Shakespeare, that is the question.
Insights appreciated.

Oh, and coincidence?: Alex gets a blog and so does everyone else. And by "everyone else" I mean: Mal, Sean, & Lil' Wayne. Trendsetter? It's the PA WAY.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ooh Baby, it's Makin' Me Crazy

I will not let the loanable funds market get the best of me. Economics should be a little more basic than this. It probably is. But until I understand that, I'll be waiting for Peter's e-mail.
(But Peter's waiting for Anita from Switzerland. What a viscous cycle.)

Meanwhile, coffee in the afternoon is the way to go.

I, apparently have superhuman strength and can now bend metal with my bare hands. Maybe I watch Heroes too much?


Can life get any better right now?
