Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

but how is my journey different from yours?

The 3 Es:



Tuesday, December 8, 2009

the sky is full of dreams but you dont know how to fly

There are so many things I love
And there are so many things I disagree with

and it is so hard to be [stronger than the story]

but it is so worth it
to know that no one else can do what i can do

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

no one seems to believe that we can fly

finally remembered blogspot password!
now blogspot isn't blogspot--it's blogger!?

I learned to cook
I found a lobster
I have a tight gold dress
I won a closet.
life is goooood!

Monday, March 23, 2009

(MIssed your call.. Again)

Post number 29-- that's [kind of?] impressive.

I'm not very good at this whole blog thing. Then again, I'm not very good at this whole life thing. If only I could actually follow my daily schedule/to-do list. :-/

Whatev. I don't think I've ever been this tired. I'm so tired. Why can't I sleep? But for some reason, that's not stopping me from getting work done. Weird.

One time my entire family went on a cruise to New England/Nova Scotia. Who goes on a cruise to Nova Scotia? Who goes on a cruise? Anyway, departing the last port to go home my sister got sea sick and threw up on me. She's not very pleasant to travel with-- backtrack to every flight we've every taken and her drink ending up in my lap. Or how about that time she spilled orange juice all over my hamburger at a restaurant? Gotta love her. Maybe I'll call home tonight... Why am I thinking about this? I have a Bible to read.

Judaism looks better and better every day. 

Monday, February 23, 2009

"Just because I get really bad bedhead does not give you license to mock me." -Sean

Sean is trying to teach me enunciate my speech. As soon as he said "Repeat after me: Red Leather Yellow Leather" I thought of Jean and the chocolates and couldn't go any further.


Two weekends ago- Montreal
Last weekend- Cape Cod 
Next weekend- library :-(

Three take-home midterms due next week :-(

"Let's do something to her car."

missing the valley, one day at a time

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I keep waving at the taxis, they keep turning their lights off

My mind is a day ahead of me this week.
Today should be Wednesday, tomorrow should be Thursday.

I'm going to write a Children's book.

I love strawberries.

I'm back on coffee.

Parents are visiting this weekend.
...Time to clean.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I Love The People

Thank you for reading my blog.

I can't wait to meet you in person.

<3 Alexandra

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Wrapped Your Crocs ;-)

So I guess I'm failing at my New Year's Resolution to update my blog more. Maybe I should just start making it a bi-weekly habit. I'll make Sean wait an extra 15 minutes for Desperate Housewives ;-)

God didn't keep the blizzard away, as I had requested with my last post. I was stuck in hell/Whitehall, NY all night long, and didn't make it home until the following evening. I did get some outlet shopping done, but would have rather been cuddling with Princess at home.
Oh well, it's over! And I'm back at UVM!

Classes this semester are fantastic- does everyone have to wait until their fourth semester to enjoy school?
Oh, and the sunset over the lake last night was INCREDIBLE. Hot pink, bright purple, and gold. Prettiest I've ever seen. People were pouring out of the theater and Davis Center to take pictures (obviously on the only day I don't take my camera EVERYWHERE).

(conversation with Pat and Laura, who ask where they can hide Josh's mattress)

Alex: You can put it in my room. Oh, and do you have any use for this holiday penguin paper that I won't ever need?
Pat & Laura: (w/ big eyes) YES! LET'S WRAP EVERYTHING.

Then Sean gets home to set up a camera, and we wait to watch Josh's reaction from another location. Good times.

Turkey sandwich time? No, maybe a bagel.