Remember back in the Old Testament, when Moses and Pharaoh had that fight? The one where Moses kept yelling, "Let my people go," unknowingly inspiring dozens of slave chants for thousands of years to come. But Pharoah wouldn't let his people go, so God had to get involved. And then all of Egypt was plagued with bugs and frogs and disease, until God finally had enough, so he made all the believers put lamb's blood above their doors for protection when the nighttime spirit came to take the firstborn children. (Am I triggering anything? Would you let me teach your child's Sunday School class?)
Well, there's this squirrel named Jacob who lives in our trash can (Coincidentally, his name was not Biblically inspired, unless God's in my head in which case, that's really freaky since only Santa can get in my head...). Anyway, Jacob has a psychological quirk.
Squirrel psychology. What do you know about it? I don't know much. Other than the fact that Jacob obviously has OCD. OR maybe he's just freakishly clairvoyant.
You see, Jacob snacks on our leftover toast, which he finds in our trash can. But he never finishes it. He nibbles it all the way to the edge, making a lovely "L" shape, and then stores it in every corner of every window of our house. Until today, we didn't know it was him. We thought that one of us was playing tricks on the others (there are 6 of us who live in the house).
Is he saving it for later? Decorating? Just organizing it? There's no way to know. Is it possible that he's protecting us? Positioning the toast strategically, to distract an evil spirit? As an offering? Or maybe, because he's obviously taken a liking to all of us here on Adsit Court, he's suggesting that we're believers in whatever squirrel-god to whom he subscribes. Maybe he's taking Moses' lead, trying to get us out of the house. Is this toast our warning? Or a warning to others?
It's gotta mean something.